On March 17th, the year eleven English Cours had organised a cocktail bazaar with the theme of Saint Patrick’s Day, like the traditional celebration everything was green coloured and with a teaspoon full of luck.

The purpose of the cocktail selling was to raise money for our school trip to Olganitz and it worked out well. But that was not the only thing we were aiming for, in the class we also did some research, on why everything is painted green, who was Saint Patrick at all and why are we celebrating his day. In brief, he was the medieval Maewyn Succat in Ireland, who proselytize a big chunk of the Irish population, he was said to have cured Ireland of a snake plaque, which is a metaphor for him fighting against pagans. In the 19th century, Irish settlers brought the tradition to celebrate the day in the USA, where it became very popular, nowadays even whole rivers are painted green in honour of the priest. The shamrock was used by Saint Patrick to teach children, what the Trinity is, one of the leaves for each the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Besides our theme of non-alcoholic cocktails like “Colada Kleeblatt” or “Green Dream” or even “Brave Goblin”, we offered an educational queue, therefore we made a poster, to bring all the information to our customers, while they have been waiting.

After all, the project was fun and educating, but most important some of my classmates have discovered their inner barkeeper spirit, which they will use in upcoming Cocktail Bazaars, stay tuned when we announce the next one! Tell me your opinion on, if and if yes how do you celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?
Best wishes
Year 11
PS.: The brezelcake and the muffins were delicious, a big thanks to all who supported the project and sacrificed their breaks as well as their free time!