Englischunterricht der etwas anderen Art mit dem Phoenix Theatre
Am 12. Januar war es endlich wieder so weit – das Phoenix Theatre war, nun schon zum dritten Mal, zu Gast in unserer Turnhalle. Sophie Haas and Anthony Ford begeisterten mit zwei unterhaltsamen Stücken, natürlich in englischer Sprache und wie immer unter aktiver Mitwirkung ihres jungen Publikums!
Hier gibt’s fotografische und filmische Impressionen der Aufführungen und eine Rezension zum Stück „Mc Vamp“. Student reviews zu „Pride and Prejudice“ folgen bald!
Einen tollen Beitrag von Riesa-TV zum Besuch des Phoenix Theatres gibt’s hier zum Nachschauen:
A vampire who doesn’t like blood?

The Phoenix Theatre plays “Mc Vamp” onstage for CGRS students
By Helena and Sina, Year 8
The Phoenix Theatre is a theatre company of two young actors from Britain. They tour different schools around Germany, playing English plays for students. For us they played “Mc Vamp”. It is a play about a teenage vampire who doesn’t like blood and therefore struggles with his vampire identity. But his best friend and cousin Rosemary, who is also a bat, helped him fulfil dreams. While playing the show, the actors included the audience with questions and small roles. At the end of the play, we could ask questions about anything we wanted to know. We really liked the play because it was funny and well-played, but we think it was a bit childish for the eight grade. We are however thanking the Phoenix Theatre for this amazing performance ad we are already excited for next year’s show!